Flagbit Akeneo Category Bundle


Configure properties for your categories in Akeneo

View the Project on GitHub flagbit/category-bundle

Category Bundle

The Flagbit Akeneo Category Bundle allows you to add new category properties like text-fields, checkboxes, date-fields and many more to enhance your categories with the data your shop needs. You can also localize each category property for your supported languages.

A short list of features



Install the package with Composer and the following command:

composer require flagbit/category_bundle

Enable the bundle

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Flagbit\Bundle\CategoryBundle\FlagbitCategoryBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Import the routing

# config/routes/flagbit_category.yml
    resource: "@FlagbitCategoryBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Create the needed database tables

bin/console doctrine:schema:update

Clear the cache and you’re ready to go.